Friday, January 3, 2025

Friday, January 3, 2025

Friday, January 3, 2025

Target Practice: Turn and Talk: Why do we do circles? What is the target? What is goal?

Restate our classroom expectations: Respect the right to teach; respect the right to learn; be on time for your obligations: class and assignments; positively representing yourself and others--people will remember the way you act; we ALL have to make it work: ask for what you need (from us and your classmates), but be willing to contribute and compromise.

Circle: How much money do you think you would need to make a week to survive on your own? How much money do you currently spend weekly/monthly?  How much money do you currently make weekly/monthly?

Seating Chart: We will not have a new one next Tuesday.

CMCC Trip: Next Tuesday!

Reading: Finish one-pager first, then dive into reading.

Presentations: We will be calling students at random to come to the office or to the reading library.

Before: How much do you think a career in your field would make? What do you think might be some qualifications to be in that field? How "in demand" do you think it is?

During: Research the job you are signed up for CMCC. For each answer you must have a REAL website linked.

  1. What is the range of salary for the career?
  2. What are the requirements to do the job? (education, etc)
  3. How many jobs are available in that field right now?
  4. Where are those jobs? What part of the country (or world) will have most of those?
  5. What are the benefits of this job?

Create a brief presentation to your table group about your career.

AfterGenerate a list of questions that you might ask someone during the tour.  If you supply the evidence of the answer to the question you asked and who answered it, you can have a free “quiz” grade for Speaking and Listening.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Circle: What is a holiday tradition that you or your family have?  Do you love it, hate it, or just don't get it?  Circle #2: After researching the Fall of Rome, do you think America is on the same track?

Activity: At your table you will be coming up with a brief presentation that explains how you get a good grade on the presentation.  Each person should have a part and be prepared to share out.

Thesis: Refine your thesis--your three ideas

Resources: Colosseum/NFl Stadim Picture  Image of Ancient Rome

Moral Dilemma: Justice

Work Time: Work your butts off!

Presentation: On Friday!

Reminders 1. Quarter 2 Progress Reports Tomorrow

2. Friday Schedule: 

7:35 - 7:45 Advisory

7:50 - 8:30 Period 1 and 5

8:35 - 9:15 Period 2 and 6

9:20 - 10:00     Period 3 and 7

(Grab and Go Lunch)

10:12 - 10:52     Period 4 and 8

Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday, December 13, 2024

Vocab Test

Reading: Your own book

Circle: It's Friday the 13th.  What is a superstition that you have?

Exposition: Finish your exposition and get feedback from Toohey/Coen.

Drafting the wealthy

Moral Dilemma: Justice

Public Trust in Government

Civil Unrest and Violence

Top 3: Choose your 3 big reasons for the fall of Rome. 

Work on next slides.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Wednesday December 11, 2024

Wednesday December 11, 2024

Circle: Pre-thinking...In your opinion, what is the purpose of school?  Do you think this school would be better if we were stricter or better if we gave you more freedom? Why?

Article: DOD Addresses Recruiting Shortfall Challenges

Circle at your table then report out: What would it take to make you consider joining the military?  Do you feel like you "owe" something to our country for what it provides for us?

Quick Write: On your own, write 5 lines in response to: Do you believe that the United States is as strong as it's ever been and our best years are ahead of us or are we on a slow decline like the Roman Empire?

Check your stocks: Do you feel like the economy is doing good?  Does it feel like your family has been doing a lot better financially like the stock market?

Fall of Rome: Exposition- How are you going to make the audience(Toohey and Coen) realize how huge, powerful and long-lasting  Rome was?

Moral Dilemmas for students

Moral Dilemmas for poor and rich

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Circle: Are you a year-round decorator or just for the holiday season type?

Vocab: Causal, Diverge, Consequential, Fraught.  When your group is done with the words, your group will create a story that uses the words correctly.  

Reading: Your own book.  Remember, you are being formatively assessed on your ability to be ready for class. 

Document E: Brainstorm: Where do we see inequality in the United States?  How does that impact our faith in our government?

Read Doc E; answer the DBQ questions.  

As a table, discuss, "Did Rome become so corrupt that citizens lost faith in its government? Do we see this in America?" Write it on your placemat. Share out as a whole class.  

Friday, December 6, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024

Vocab Test: Refugee(s), Bureaucracy/Bureaucrat, Justice, Conscription

Reading: Make sure you have attended to your library visits BEFORE reading time.

Circle: Are snow days a gift or a curse?  Do you think you will miss them or long for them when you're an adult?

Entry Activity: Write 5 lines: "What do Roman historians believe happened to the Roman army and is the USA military heading the same way?"

Document C: Brainstorm: who do you think are some of America's enemies in 2024?  Are they "invading" us?

Look at the Doc C map; answer the questions in the DBQ. 

As a table, discuss, "Does the map and the dates of the invasions tell you anything about why Rome eventually fell to outsiders?" Write it on your placemat. Share out as a whole class.

Document D: Brainstorm: What messages do we send about our enemies?  Are they are true or are some of them cartoonish?

Read Doc D; answer the DBQ questions on the paper. 

As a table, discuss, "Does Rome underestimate people outside of Rome? How could that have lead to their downfall?" Write it on your placemat. Share out as a whole class. 

Document E: Brainstorm: Where do we see inequality in the United States?  How does that impact our faith in our government?

Read Doc E; answer the DBQ questions.  

As a table, discuss, "Did Rome become so corrupt that citizens lost faith in its government? Do we see this in America?" Write it on your placemat. Share out as a whole class.  

Document F: Brainstorm: How did Covid impact the US? How are climate change and other natural disasters impacting us?  Can we bounce back from those challenges?

Read Doc F; answer the DBQ questions.  

As a table, discuss, "Does it seem like natural disasters and plagues had a significant effect on the morale of Romans?" Write it on your placemat. Share out as a whole class.

Wrap Up: On your own, write 5 lines in response to: Do you believe that the United States is as strong as it's ever been and our best years are ahead of us or are we on a slow decline like the Roman Empire?

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tuesday December 3, 2024

Tuesday December 3, 2024

New Seating Chart: Find an example of ASMR.  Share it with your team.  Choose the best or most annoying to share with whole class.  

Circle: What's an annoying habit of someone you live with?  What's some habit that that person would find annoying about you? (second question is optional)

Housekeeping: Permission Slips for CMCC visit. 

Vocab: Justice, Refugee(s), Bureaucrat/Bureaucracy, Conscription

Reading: On your own!

Gladiator: Finish the film. 5/6: 40 minutes left. 7/8: 30 minutes. Synthesize your thoughts about architecture on Google Classroom.  What about the architecture did you find impressive? What is some architecture in the United States that you also find impressive?

DBQ: Finish document B.  Begin Document C and Document D.  In addition to the DBQ questions, we will answer each of these corresponding questions:

5.What do Roman historians believe happened to the Roman army and is the USA military heading the same way? (Document B)

6. Eventually Rome was overrun by foreign invaders. (Document C)  Does the map and the dates of the invasions tell you anything about why Rome eventually fell to outsiders?

7. Does Rome underestimate people outside of Rome? (Document D)  Do we underestimate our enemies?

See you Friday!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

November 26, 2024

Tuesday November 26, 2024

No Circle today!

Questions to consider during the watching of Gladiator

Political and Military Power

How does the film portray the power of the Roman Emperor and the Senate? What does this suggest about the governance of the Empire at its height?

What can we infer about Rome's military strength from the opening battle scene? How does it demonstrate the might of the Roman legions?

Why is the loyalty of generals like Maximus so significant to the stability and power of the Empire?

Architecture and Urban Planning

How does the Colosseum reflect Roman engineering and architectural brilliance? What role does it play in showcasing the Empire's power and resources?

What details in the film depict the scale and grandeur of Roman cities? How might these have been a source of pride for its citizens?

Cultural Influence

In what ways does the film highlight the diversity of people in the Empire (e.g., gladiators, senators, soldiers)? How does this diversity reflect the reach of Roman influence?

How do the games in the Colosseum reflect Roman values and priorities, such as entertainment, public order, and imperial propaganda?

Economy and Wealth

What evidence of wealth and prosperity do we see in the film (e.g., clothing, markets, and lifestyle)? What does this tell us about Rome’s economy during its peak?

How does the portrayal of slavery and conquest in the film demonstrate the Roman Empire’s reliance on a vast labor force and resources from conquered lands?

Legacy and Impact

What aspects of Roman civilization depicted in the film (e.g., laws, architecture, military organization) continue to influence the modern world?

How do the citizens' reactions to the gladiatorial games reflect the relationship between the Roman government and its people?

Thursday, November 21, 2024

November 22, 2024

Friday November 22, 2024 

Vocabulary Quiz: Pax Romana, Republic, Exposition, Dictatorship, BC/BCE/CE

Circle: Did you have a stuffy or blanky when you were little and what was its name?

Geography Test: Capitals and Countries

Reading: When you are done with the geography test move on to your choice reading book.

Architecture Slide Show:

Architecture can do the following things:

-Inspire you
-Comfort you
-Protect you
-Make you uncomfortable
-Project strength
-Calm you
-Disorient you
1) In your group, pick four of the attributes above, and brainstorm a place in the building that exemplifies that attribute. (5 minutes)

Pre-thinking questions about Gladiator

Fall of Rome

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

November 20, 2024

November 20, 2024

Gladiator permission slip

Circle: Do you think someday in the future(after you turn 30) you want to have a family?  Why or why not?

#2 If "Internal Decay" is eventually what leads to great civilizations downfall, what do you think is we should learn from the Romans here in the USA?

#3 If you were to walk into a classroom that was really high functioning, what do you think you would observe.

Practice Geography Test


Timeline: You will be creating a time-line as a visual to record major event in Rome and possible events that led to its downfall.

Fall of Rome Continuing to work on our documents.  Please remember to keep good notes.  These will make or break your presentation!

Move around the room.  Right Track? Wrong Track? or No Idea?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

New Seating Chart/Activity- One thing you all have in common and one thing that is unique about you.

Gladiator!!! We need permission slips!

Vocab: Pax Romana, Republic Dictatorship, Exposition, BC/BCE/CE

Reading: A book lovingly chosen by you. 

Circle: What's your favorite part of a Thanksgiving meal?  What is something that will be served that you most definitely will not eat?

Map Activity: 5 minutes of practice with note cards.  Map on your own.  Quick Kahoot. 

Housekeeping: Permission Slip for Gladiator

DBQ: Introduce the Exposition.  

Background Essay. Find your packet.  Underline the vocab in your first reading.  Develop a Timeline. Answer the questions.   Brief presentation at the table: what were the causes of the Collapse of the Roman Empire?  

Document A: Work on your own or at your table. Answer the questions.  Create your first potential slide.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: Deficit Spending, cultural decline, wealth gap, inequality

Read... Reading/Formative Assessment: Beginning tomorrow you will be assessed on three criteria. 1) Book is brought to class 2) You are reading book 3) You are not a distraction to yourself or others.  This should be an easy 100!  We are going live Tuesday!

Circle: What is something you have purchased that you didn't really have the money for?

Fall of Rome... You will be putting together a presentation where you describe the greatness of the Roman Empire and then explain why you think it fell.  You will also be comparing this with the current issues that face the United States.  Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the Roman Empire or have we been smart enough to to learn from history so we don't repeat Rome's mistakes.

Map Quiz:  Map practice assessment!

Brainstorm: What are five things you love about contemporary America?  What are five things that worry you about the direction of contemporary America? Share and develop a master list.

Activity: Using the Fall of Rome DBQ you will be identifying the three biggest threats you see facing the US.  Be prepared to to defend your answer.  You will be moving around the room to the different stations to share your concerns.

Many historians cite internal decay as a primary reason behind the eventual fall of Rome.  Choose the top three biggest concerns for you personally.

  • America is becoming an overweight, couch potato culture.  People would rather just sit inside and play video games and stare at social media.  We are becoming lazy.
  • Political fighting between Democrats and Republicans is sinking the nation.
  • Terrorism is a real threat.
  • Income inequality between rich and poor had created the greatest wealth gap in decades.
  • Yearly budget deficits and growing national debt imply a "buy now, let our children pay later" mindset. 
  • Environmental threats- hurricanes, habitat destruction, global warming. Climate related natural disasters like hurricanes are on the rise.
  • Dependance for foreign oil.
  • Moral and cultural decline- music, pop culture, materialism and declining work ethic.
  • A growing distrust of our leaders in both politics and media.

After jotting your response to those questions, be prepared to move to one side of the room to declare your feeling.  We will call on people from each corner of the room to represent why it does (or doesn't) concern them.  

Activity: As a table group, collaborate to decide which one you can agree is most concerning to you.  Then, come up with an explanation of how America is "doing" with regard to that idea.  Provide 3 pieces of evidence--from your world understanding--of how you know America is currently faring at that level. 

Fall of Rome DBQ...This is really important to hang on to.  This packet will form the basis of your presentation.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Tuesday November 12, 2024

Tuesday November 12, 2024

Vocabulary: Deficit Spending, cultural decline, wealth gap, inequality

Reading/Formative Assessment: Beginning tomorrow you will be assessed on three criteria. 1) Book is brought to class 2) You are reading book 3) You are not a distraction to yourself or others.  This should be an easy 100!  We are going live Tuesday!


Circle: One thing you wished you had in your room or just off your room?

Fall of Rome...You will be putting together a presentation where you describe the greatness of the Roman Empire and then explain why you think it fell.  You will also be comparing this with the current issues that face the United States.  Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the Roman Empire or have we been smart enough to to learn from history so we don't repeat Rome's mistakes.

Map Activity:  Practice Assessment: You will be labeling a map of western Europe, home of the Roman Empire.  Map must include: Name of Country.   Major bodies of water.  Labeled with an RE(Roman Empire) if it was once part of the Roman Empire.  Capital and country matching.  You will be assessed on this in the coming weeks.  We will practice today.  First you will see how many you can personally identify and then you will work with your table to see how many you can label.  We will be practicing this week for an assessment next week.  You will also be be creating flash cards for countries and capitals.

Brainstorm: What are five things you love about contemporary America?  What are five things that worry you about the direction of contemporary America? Share and develop a master list.

Activity: Using the Fall of Rome DBQ you will be identifying the three biggest threats you see facing the US.  Be prepared to to defend your answer.  You will be moving around the room to the different stations to share your concerns.

Many historians cite internal decay as a primary reason behind the eventual fall of Rome.  Choose the top three biggest concerns for you personally.

  1. America is becoming an overweight, couch potato culture.  People would rather just sit inside and play video games and stare at social media.  We are becoming lazy.
  2. Political fighting between Democrats and Republicans is sinking the nation.
  3. Terrorism is a real threat.
  4. Income inequality between rich and poor had created the greatest wealth gap in decades.
  5. Yearly budget deficits and growing national debt imply a "buy now, let our children pay later" mindset. 
  6. Environmental threats- hurricanes, habitat destruction, global warming. Climate related natural disasters like hurricanes are on the rise.
  7. Dependance for foreign oil.
  8. Moral and cultural decline- music, pop culture, materialism and declining work ethic.
  9. A growing distrust of our leaders in both politics and media.
After jotting your answers to those questions, be prepared to move to one side of the room to declare your feeling.  We will call on people from each corner of the room to represent why it does (or doesn't) concern them.  

Activity: As a table group, collaborate to decide which one you can agree is most concerning to you.  Then, come up with an explanation of how America is "doing" with regard to that idea.  Provide 3 pieces of evidence--from your world understanding--of how you know America is currently faring at that level. 

Fall of Rome DBQ...This is really important to hang on to.  This packet will form the basis of your presentation.

Friday, November 8, 2024

November 8, 2024

Friday November 8, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: electoral college, "swing states", Senate and House of Representatives.

Reading/Formative Assessment: Beginning next week you will be assessed on three criteria. 1) Book is brought to class 2) You are reading book 3) You are not a distraction to yourself or others.  This should be an easy 100!  We will practice today.


Circle: When did school stop being fun?

Clean up writing in aisle 4.... You will be given 10 minutes to go over your essay.  You will need to make sure the following is done.  You will be getting a formative grade for submitting your essay.

1. Paper has 5 paragraphs- Introduction with theme, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

2. Paper has been proofread and is free from grammatical errors.

3. Font is either Arial or Times New Roman

4. Size is either 11 or 12.

5. Paper contains a header that looks like the following-

Peter Toohey

November 8, 2024

Humex Period 5/6

6. One body paragraph is color coded.  Claim in Red-Evidence in Green-Warrant in Blue.

7. The theme you chose is in BOLD.

8. Hit submit.

Fall of Rome...

Brainstorm: What are five things you love about contemporary America?  What are five things that worry you about the direction of contemporary America? Share and develop a master list.

Activity: "Taking Sides."  Jot down your answers to the following questions:

How concerned (rating of 1-4) would you be about your country if...

  1. Was unable to defend its borders from attackers.
  2. Was no longer the top innovator of technology.
  3. The climate and environment were no longer able to support the country and agriculture.
  4. The lower classes were overtaxed and discontent as a result.
  5. It's military had weakened and was very expensive.
  6. The wealthy and leaders were more interested in themselves than the average citizen.
  7. Numerous political leaders had been assassinated or had attempted assassinations in recent years.
After jotting your answers to those questions, be prepared to move to one side of the room to declare your feeling.  We will call on people from each corner of the room to represent why it does (or doesn't) concern them.  

Activity: As a table group, collaborate to decide which one you can agree is most concerning to you.  Then, come up with an explanation of how America is "doing" with regard to that idea.  Provide 3 pieces of evidence--from your world understanding--of how you know America is currently faring at that level.  

Map Activity:  You will be labeling a map of western Europe, home of the Roman Empire.  Map must include: Name of Country.  Capital and approximate location.  Major bodies of water.  Labeled with an RE(Roman Empire) if it was once part of the Roman Empire.  You will be assessed on this in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

 Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Circle: What is a grooming habit that, when you see it done in public, drives you nuts? (combing hair, biting nails, picking nose, etc....). 

Getting Started: How you doing? Sheet.  What's something YOU could do better about today?  What is something you need from Toohey/Coen? What is something we hope the school doesn't have (hold in place!)

Goals: For the class: finish the body paragraphs! For you: _______?

Write: First paragraph=teacher feedback; Second paragraph=peer feedback; Third Paragraph=feedback on your own!

Checking Out: How'd you do on your goal?  How did you "act" as a student today? Give yourself a grade. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

New Seating Chart and Activity

Sign up for college trip: 5-6 Here is the link.   7-8 Here is the link

Circle: 1. Do you think Kelly and Chuck would have got married if his plane never crashed or were they too focused on their own careers to make it work?  2. What path do you think America is on?  Are we in a decline, the same, or are we still ascending?  Use thumbs to say.

Reading: Your own book!

Vocab Words: swing states, electoral college,  senate, house of representatives

Writing: Write your first paragraph.  Then, check in with Coen/Toohey before moving on to....

Writing: Write your second paragraph.  Then, check with Coen/Toohey to find a partner to get feedback from. Then, move on to....

Writing: Write your last body paragraph.  Then, do a self-reflection to make sure your last body paragraph does everything it should. 

Ticket Out: What do you most need feedback on?  How have you been doing on your "student skills" in class?

Friday, November 1, 2024

Friday, November 1, 2024

Friday, November 1, 2024

Vocab Test: Maslow's Hierarchy, Physical Needs, Safety Needs, Social Needs, Esteem Needs, Self-Actualization

Grade check! When you are done with your quiz, please go on and check your grade.  Lots of people have missed vocabulary tests, not submitted Loom video's or are still missing the football DBQ.  If you have made something up and it is not in the grade book write it down on the slip of paper.  You MUST list the assignment, the date of the assignment and who's class it is missing for or both of us.  These will be collected and you will move onto your reading book.

Reading: Your own book!

Circle: What was the best costume you saw? Most interesting? Scariest? Silliest? 

Review Our Themes: Take a look at the shared doc.  What is one that you especially appreciate, even if its not one that you will use? 1) Choose a theme that works for you.  

Activity: Watch Part V of Cast Away. Make sure to take notes about how Chuck has changed in the sense of your decided-theme.  

Activity: Messy writing: How has Chuck now changed to better meet the theme you are discussing? 

Activity: Mapping the theme over time: time stamps! 1)Break up into the three(maybe more) sections of the movie and list a scene from each that would support your theme.  2) Open up your Cast Away Google Document.  Write down the a scene from each that would help develope your theme.

Ticket Out: What do you need to be able to now write an essay about this topic?  What writing skill do you want to focus your energy on and get feedback on? 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Circle: Something silly or not that scared you when you were little.

Reading: ...your own book.

Vocab: Maslow's Hierarchy, Physical Needs, Safety Needs, Social Needs, Esteem Needs, Self-Actualization

Activity: So far we have used Myers-Briggs to understand ourselves.  How can we understand Chuck from CAST AWAY using MB.  What do we think his profile is? 

Introduction to Maslow-  Using Chuck Noland from CAST AWAY, place him in a scene where he is trying to meet a need.  Some are more obvious than others.

Activity: Note clean up  and summary about what we seen so far.

Activity: Messy Writing based on Part II and Part III and Part IV.  Pick any scene from your notes.  Identify the scene and then start writing about what you think it means and what the director is trying to show us.

Activity: Watch and take notes on Part V

Activity: Messy writing about Part V

Activity: Timestamped Scenes activity

Ticket Out: What is the overall theme of Cast Away.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024

Vocab: Take a quick vocab quiz. Introvert/Extrovert  iNtuitor/Sensor  Thinker/Feeler  Judger/Perceiver. Any quizzes you've missed?  Ask to take it now!

Circle: If you were independently wealthy and could spend your time doing whatever you wanted, what would you do? 

Reading: ...your own book.

Loom Video: If you had technical difficulty with your Loom we will troubleshoot with you.

Activity: Messy writing.  On Google Classroom, spend 5 minutes writing--do not stop, even if it becomes repetitive!--about what kind of person Chuck is.  If you need coming up with ideas to write about, consider the following: 

  • When the story first starts, Chuck is…
  • At the start of the story, Chuck is…
  • In the opening of Castaway Chuck is…
  • Who is Chuck at work?
  • Who is Chuck with Kelly?
  • Who is Chuck with friends?
  • Who is Chuck with co-workers?
  • What are symbols that represent Chuck?
  • Would it be good or bad if more people were like Chuck?
  • How would you be in Chuck’s situation? 

Activity: Watch Part III.  Take detailed notes about the movie.  Share with a partner, share with the class. 

Ticket Out: Write two claims on Google Classroom: What type of person was Chuck at the beginning of the movie?  What type of person has Chuck become at this point in the film> 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Wednesday October 23, 2024

Circle: What is the candy that you give away (gross!) when you got it on Halloween?

Activity: Today you will be creating your Loom video about you MB profile, the career you looked up based on it, a college you found that looks interesting, one of the school/careers booths you visited yesterday.  For extra credit you will include a photo of you shaking hands with one of the college/career people.

Activity: Cast Away and development of a theme.

Activity: Review basic ideas of Cast Away.  Finish Part I.  

Activity: Notes and Summary about Part III.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

 Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Period 5 

Circle: A place you would like to visit in the USA?

Reading: ...your own book.

VocabIntrovert/Extrovert  iNtuitor/Sensor  Thinker/Feeler  Judger/Perceiver

Seating: New Chart and Activity

Activity: Review basic ideas of Cast Away.  Finish Part I.  

Activity: Notes and Summary about Part II.

Activity: Preparation for the College Fair.  Map of where you are going; checklist of what you need to find out; review of the Loom Assignment (which we will complete tomorrow)

Secondary Fair: Meet your people, complete your checklist, take pictures. (10-10:30am)

Period 8 

Activity: Preparation for the College Fair.  Map of where you are going; checklist of what you need to find out; review of the Loom Assignment (which we will complete tomorrow)

Secondary Fair: Meet your people, complete your checklist, take pictures. (12:05-12:35)

[After Break] Circle

Reading: ...your own book.

Seating: New Chart and Activity

Activity: Review basic ideas of Cast Away.  Finish Part I.  

Activity: Watch Cast Away Part II: On the Island. 

Activity: Notes and Summary about Part II.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: Character Development, motif, exposition, dramatic irony 


Circle: What specifically are you listening to right now? Open up your phone.

Activity: Minimum wage is 15hr.  2. How much is your labor worth right now? 4.What are your current skills that make you more valuable than 15hr?   3.Why do people pursue college and careers?

Career and College Fair Tuesday: Go over assignment.  What is a career you are considering and what kind of training would you need?

Activity: Myers-Briggs...Carnac

Truity  Create list of possible careers that interest you from the list.  What kind of education or training would you need to get the job?  You will present at your table and then tables will report out on the most interesting job you heard about and what it takes to get it.

Career Unit: Career Exploration

Learning TargetI can use internet resources to discover career possibilities and a explore specific career option.
1) Got to find your MB type, then search career possibilities.
2) Log the Occupational Handbook or Ferguson's Career Center
3) Spend 5 minutes free clicking to see the types of information there is.
4) Explore your career, taking notes. (15 minutes)
5) Report out

College Search
Today we will explore how to search for colleges and understand what you are looking for.
1) Go to Big Futures
2) We will show you how the site works
3) On your own, find a school that might work for you
4) Take notes on that school
5) Report out at your table
6) Cold call report out.

What is college and career fair?  

College/Career Loom Presentation
Learning TargetI can use presentation technology to organize and present information.

1) Create a new Google slide show with four slides: introduction, college selection, career selection, conclusion.
2) The content of the slides is up to you and what you found interesting about the college/career
3) Create a Loom 1-2 minute Loom video to present the slideshow.
     Loom steps: a) log into Loom using google account; b) install Chrome extension (Chromebook) OR download app (Mac); c) record!

For Tuesday: You will be visiting at least 3 different colleges/career and introducing yourself with a handshake. How did you do?  How did the other person do?  For Wednesday you will need to have the name of the organization, the name of the person you spoke to, what the organization is known for, and one fact you learned about it.

Handshake:  How do you do it?

Cast Away and notes

Monday, October 14, 2024

Tuesday October 14, 2024

  Tuesday October 14, 2024

Circle: What was a present you have received that you didn't actually like?  

Vocabulary Friday Quiz: Character Development, motif, exposition, dramatic irony

Reading...your personal book.

Stock Market Game:  Give one, Get one. Meet with someone and share your highest performing stock.  Get their suggestion about their highest performing stock. 

Objective: Students will be able to analyze the images of a film to understand its meaning.

Activator: Describe what we learned last class as you would describe it to a young child. Partner and discuss your response. 

Activity: How "The Present" communicates through images.  What are the symbols, characterization, setting, and theme? Watch the film and discuss.

Activity: Unpacking a symbol from "The Present." 

Activity: Watch the opening scene of Cast Away. Use the tools we have used to make predictions about what this film is going to be "about." 

Ticket Out: Theme wall for Cast Away. Add a possible theme from the Film to our display

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday October 10, 2024

 Friday October 10, 2024

Circle: What was your favorite movie as a kid? Are you a movie person? Why are movies such a big deal as a society?

Vocabulary Friday Quiz: Empire Colonialism Imperialism Soft power Hard power

Reading...your personal book.

Stock Market Game:  Current Events and how to they affect the market?  Which of your stocks are up? Which are done? What 3 values do your stock companies HAVE or what does your portfolio show you value?

Students will be able to analyze the images of a film to understand its meaning.

Activity: Look at the painting "Christina's World."  What can we learn (or assume) by looking at it?

Activity: Look at screenshots from a film.  In groups, try to figure out what the movie MIGHT be about. 

Activity: Watch the opening of Back to the Future.  How are the screenshots communicating what the movie will be about. 

Activity: How "The Present" communicates through images.  What are the symbols, characterization, setting, and theme?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 8, 2024

Wednesday October 8, 2024

Circle: Where would you like to live after high school?

Review Vocabulary Words for Friday Quiz: Empire Colonialism Imperialism Soft power Hard power

Reading...your personal book.

Students will analyze various perspectives on whether the USA should be considered an empire and develop their argumentative skills.

Activity: Why do we study history?  Review your notes.

Activity: Supposedly, American men think about the Roman Empire at least twice a day?  What's up with that?  Find out.

What was so great about the Roman Empire?  1)How big was it?  2)What do we already know about the Roman Empire?  3)Weird facts about the Roman Empire...See if you can stump me.  How weird is it really?

Activity: Is the USA an Empire?

Is the US on the same path as the Roman Empire?

Activity: Understanding America's role in the world

Stock Market Game:  Current Events and how to they affect the market?  What are the three biggest pieces of news that could effect the stock market? Go online and look up the news to see what is going on in the world or the USA that could impact the price of stocks.  Be prepared to share out your findings.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Tuesday, October 7th, 2024

Seating Chart Activity
If you were making a movie and wanted to use music to show that the main character was angry and depressed, what song would you have playing in the background?

Circle: Name a memorable character and what you liked or hated about them.

Vocabulary Words
Soft power
Hard power

Possible Activity
In your groups, you will be creating a short film concept involving a kid who is angry and depressed because he doesn't accept his imperfections.
1) What will be their imperfection?
2) What's the setting going to be for the film?
3) What activity will they be doing that show anger and depression?
4) Knowing that the characters inability to accept their imperfections is the cause of the anger and depression, what will happen to change the character's anger and depression?
5) At the end of the film, how will the setting change to show that the character has changed?
6) What activity will they be doing to show that they are now happy?

Unit: Understanding how Theme's a developed in Literature/Film
Learning Target: I can explain how an author uses symbol, setting and characterization to develop a theme.
Soon, you will be watching "Cast Away" and writing an essay explaining how the theme of the film was developed by using symbols, setting and characterization. Today, we will watch "The Present" determine how the film uses characterization to develop the theme
1) On the board: "I can explain how a film or book develops a theme"
2) To be clear: you will be explaining exactly how the film uses characterization & setting to develop the theme.
3) Review -- what is theme?
4) Now we watch the film in three parts.
5) Watch part one: on your paper (use newsprint for each table), draw a stick figure with these elements: speech, actions, thoughts, looks, setting. Working in pairs, collaborate to fill in as many elements as possible describing what the film did to characterize the boy.
6) Fun Activity: replace the kid playing the video game to him listening to sad or angry music.  Each table secretly come up with a song that would fit. Write name and artist on a piece of paper. We'll now play name that tune and artist for Humex cash.
7) Repeat step 5 for parts two and three.
8) Look at the differences between the character from part one and three and use those differences to figure out the possible themes.
9) Difficult: look at what caused the transformation to make the theme more elaborate.
10) When writing, it's helpful to think of the film as having parts. How many parts are there?
11) Introduce the idea of structuring your essay as follows. We will do this with pair and share:
     Part 1: Use one or more paragraphs to explain how symbols, setting or characterization develop the character as they are at the begining/ OR how they define the problem.
     Part 2: Use one or more paragraphs to explain how symbols, setting or characterization develop the character as they are at the end AFTER CHANGING/ OR how they solve the problem.
12) Write.

Reading Practice
When your essay is completed, read your book.

Friday, October 4, 2024

October 5, 2024

Friday October 5, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: Opportunity cost, share, stock, captialism, profit, economy and "Supply and Demand".

Reading...your personal book.

Circle: A quirky habit you have?  Maybe a morning ritual, besides going the bathroom...

Debrief: Football DBQ

Activity: Why do we study history?  

Is the USA an Empire?

Students will analyze various perspectives on whether the USA should be considered an empire and develop their argumentative skills.

Activity Title: Is the USA an Empire?

For the future: The Fall of Rome

Stock Market Game:  Current Events and how to they affect the market?

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. What do you know?  Kahoot
10. Game

Monday, September 30, 2024

Tuesday October 1, 2024

Vocabulary Words: Opportunity cost, share, stock, captialism, profit, economy and "Supply and Demand".

Reading...your personal book.

Circle: "What is one thing adults forget about being a teenager?"

Poetry Analysis: I can analyze the words and phrases of a poem. 

Read "Nineteen-twenty-nine" By William Waring Cuney. Analyze using the soapstone method. 

Stock Market Game: 

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. What do you know?  Kahoot
10. Game

Ticket Out: Write a wordsplash using our vocabulary words.

Friday, September 27, 2024

September 27, 2024

September 27, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: economy, capitalism, stock, share, supply and demand, opportunity cost and profit


Circle: If you had to get up today in the pep rally and either sing a song solo or do a dance solo which would you do and why?  And you have to be serious about it.

NWEA TESTING-Remember to do your best.  When you are done we will read until everyone is done.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024

 September 25, 2024

Vocabulary Review for Friday quiz: (New word in bold) economy, capitalism, stock, share, supply and demand, opportunity cost and profit

1. What are some different examples of economies?

2. What makes USA a capitalist economy?

3. What is the name of a company that you would like to buy stock in?  Why do you like it?

4. How much money would you have now if you bought 1000 shares of Nvidia(ticker symbol: NVDA) when it was first listed on the stock exchange?

5. How does supply and demand affect the price of gasoline?

6. What is the opportunity cost of investing some of you hard earned money in the stock market?

7. How does a company make a profit?

Reading your self-selected book

Circle: A skill that you think adds value to your labor?

- Share homework (the stock activity).  At your table groups, share your stocks.  Have one student share out to the whole group AND relate it back to our vocab words.  

- Football DBQ writing:

A) hook (also preparation for the introduction paragraph): each student write 3 sentences to describe the “story” of the catch
B) pass out the essay description. 4 sticks and any questions from students 
C) discuss the different types of support/organizers. Have students choose the one for them
D) 25 minutes of writing time
E) brain break:shuffle, shuffle, group
F) more writing time
G) Review color coding
H) Color code your best paragraph
I) Exchange computers with someone at your table and read color coded paragraph for understanding.
J) Make necessary corrections
K) Paper is due on Friday morning.

Football DBQ

Learning Target: I can evaluate (for bias and perspective) multiple sources to determine what really happened.
You will be reviewing original source documents about an allegedly great catch made by an Oxford Hills player to determine whether the catch was actually great or not.
1) Introduction to determining bias and why it matters.
2) At your table: any family members who aren't always reliable witnesses?
3) Look at this chart.
4) At your table understand how it works.
5) Report out.
6) At your table, visit sites both far right and left and find language in report that is biased.
7) Report out.
9) Who do you want to hear from?
10) Each person at each table, pick a different witness to "go off" on about their bias.

 For Tuesday: Stock Market Game: 

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. Game

Homework:  Finish Essay and submit on Classroom!!!

Monday, September 23, 2024

September 24, 2024

September 24, 2024

New Seating Chart and activity: Paper Airplane contest for candy. Using the internet, research, design and build a paper airplane. You must work with everyone at your table. The plane must have graphics, a name and a 10 second presentation about the process(who did what) The winning group will receive candy!

Vocabulary for Friday Quiz: economy, capitalism, stock, share, supply and demand, and profit

Reading your self-selected book

Circle: How much money do you think you will need to make a year to live comfortably.

- Share homework (the stock activity).  At your table groups, share your stocks.  Have one student share out to the whole group AND relate it back to our vocab words.  

- Football DBQ writing:

A) hook (also preparation for the introduction paragraph): each student write 3 sentences to describe the “story” of the catch
B) pass out the essay description. 4 sticks and any questions from students 
C) discuss the different types of support/organizers. Have students choose the one for them
D) 25 minutes of writing time
E) brain break:shuffle, shuffle, group
F) more writing time

Football DBQ

Learning Target: I can evaluate (for bias and perspective) multiple sources to determine what really happened.
You will be reviewing original source documents about an allegedly great catch made by an Oxford Hills player to determine whether the catch was actually great or not.
1) Introduction to determining bias and why it matters.
2) At your table: any family members who aren't always reliable witnesses?
3) Look at this chart.
4) At your table understand how it works.
5) Report out.
6) At your table, visit sites both far right and left and find language in report that is biased.
7) Report out.
9) Who do you want to hear from?
10) Each person at each table, pick a different witness to "go off" on about their bias.

 For Tuesday: Stock Market Game: 

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. Game

Homework:  Find and do some quick research about 3 stocks you might want to buy.  Be prepared to share out your findings on Tuesday in class.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tuesday September 17, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: Bias, Perspective, primary source, secondary source.

Reading your self-selected book

Circle: What is your favorite form of exercise?

Norming:  Why do we do circles...?  What do we need to do to make sure that table and the classroom make the room feel safe for teaching and learning?  Go back to your table and create a list of ideas to make the classroom a safer space for everyone...including US?  

Why do we study history? (Hint, it's not to avoid making the same mistake twice)

Activity: Personal review of work(Dr and Doctors Wife)  based on what you wrote on the index card about something you want to get better about writing.

Football DBQ
Learning Target: I can evaluate (for bias and perspective) multiple sources to determine what really happened.
You will be reviewing original source documents about an allegedly great catch made by an Oxford Hills player to determine whether the catch was actually great or not.
1) Introduction to determining bias and why it matters.
2) At your table: any family members who aren't always reliable witnesses?
3) Look at this chart.
4) At your table understand how it works.
5) Report out.
6) At your table, visit sites both far right and left and find language in report that is biased.
7) Report out.
9) Who do you want to hear from?
10) Each person at each table, pick a different witness to "go off" on about their bias.

 For Tuesday: Stock Market Game: 

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. Game

Homework:  Find and do some quick research about 3 stocks you might want to buy.  Be prepared to share out your findings on Tuesday in class.

Monday, September 16, 2024

September 17, 2024

Tuesday September 17, 2024

Vocabulary Words: Bias, Perspective, primary source, secondary source.

Why do we study history? (Hint, it's not to avoid making the same mistake twice)

Circle: A canned food you will not eat?

Reading your self-selected book

Activity: Personal review of work(Dr and Doctors Wife)  based on what you wrote on the index card about something you want to get better about writing.

Football DBQ
Learning Target: I can evaluate (for bias and perspective) multiple sources to determine what really happened.
You will be reviewing original source documents about an allegedly great catch made by an Oxford Hills player to determine whether the catch was actually great or not.
1) Introduction to determining bias and why it matters.
2) At your table: any family members who aren't always reliable witnesses?
3) Look at this chart.
4) At your table understand how it works.
5) Report out.
6) At your table, visit sites both far right and left and find language in report that is biased.
7) Report out.
9) Who do you want to hear from?
10) Each person at each table, pick a different witness to "go off" on about their bias.

 For Tuesday: Stock Market Game: 

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. Game

Homework:  Find and do some quick research about 3 stocks you might want to buy.  Be prepared to share out your findings on Tuesday in class.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024

Friday September 12, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz!!! theme, characterization, symbols, setting

Move on to reading

Circle: Where do you get your news from? TV, social media, parents, friends, newspaper, etc...Do you trust it?

Activity: Who is the biggest loser!

Read aloud: The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife

1. Have the story in front of you

2. As we read aloud underline anything that is interesting or you have a question about.

3. Think, pair and share at table

4. Report out to group

5. Rinse and repeat.

Writing: Open you Google classroom and click on assignment.  You will be writing one paragraph with a very clear claim, quoted evidence, and a warrant with a minimum of 3 sentences.  You will be passing this in for a formative grade.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 11, 2024

Wednesday September 11, 2024

Circle: A game you use to like playing at recess in elementary school?

Quick Unit: Understanding 9/11

Using a map

Pre-thinking: 1) How many of you have a relative or friend who served in Iraq or Afghanistan War?  2)Why did we go to war in Afghanistan? 3) How long did we fight in Afghanistan? 4) Up until 3 years ago, how many wars was the U.S. fighting? 5) Are we currently fighting wars or supplying conflicts? 6) In how many countries are U.S. troops stationed? 6) Is their connection between where U.S. troops are stationed and 9/11?

Learning Target: I can explain what happened on 9/11 and explain how it still impacts us today.
At Your Table: What has someone you know told you about 9/11?
1) Write
2) Talk
3) Share
Target: Brainstorm what should the learning target for this exercise be?
Second, what have you learned.  Share out.

Activity: Why Study history?  Afghanistan as an example..."The graveyard of empires".
For next time: Football DBQ

Doctor and the Doctor's wife