Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024

Wednesday June 5, 2024

Loom:  You need to talk about a specific person and event in each part of your loom to receive credit!

Circle: Success in life requires three things: showing up, being present, being responsive and finishing.  What are you best at? What are you worst at?

Circle: If you had a friend who found out he had Toohey and Truman next year what is one piece of advice you would give them to make sure they had a successful year?

Circle: What is one thing you will remember about this year/class?

Assessment: Final Exam Preparation
Measured Learning Target: Using your classmates you will be circling around to different tables to review the final exam questions.  Collaboration is the key!  If someone has a great answer you need to get it!
1) Starting in your original seat you will identify the vocabulary you are going to target.  Remember, these definitions should be simple and with examples.  Methods to study...
2) Work independently to create notes and identify how you will answer them.  Identify text that can me used to support your arguments.  Identify the question that you think you could answer the best.
3) Moving tables: You will be moving to different tables to discuss how you will answer the the final exam questions with EVIDENCE!!!
4) Reporting out how would answer as well as the evidence you will use to prove your point.
5) Write: Practice!

If time allows: Name that tune and name that person

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