Monday, October 14, 2024

Tuesday October 14, 2024

  Tuesday October 14, 2024

Circle: What was a present you have received that you didn't actually like?  

Vocabulary Friday Quiz: Character Development, motif, exposition, dramatic irony

Reading...your personal book.

Stock Market Game:  Give one, Get one. Meet with someone and share your highest performing stock.  Get their suggestion about their highest performing stock. 

Objective: Students will be able to analyze the images of a film to understand its meaning.

Activator: Describe what we learned last class as you would describe it to a young child. Partner and discuss your response. 

Activity: How "The Present" communicates through images.  What are the symbols, characterization, setting, and theme? Watch the film and discuss.

Activity: Unpacking a symbol from "The Present." 

Activity: Watch the opening scene of Cast Away. Use the tools we have used to make predictions about what this film is going to be "about." 

Ticket Out: Theme wall for Cast Away. Add a possible theme from the Film to our display

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