Thursday, January 30, 2014

Friday, January 31st, 2014

Students do this: 
1) A reminder that the reading assignments ARE ON THE CALENDAR.
2) Take the poll; here is a link to the live poll.
3) Review the calendar tab above.
4) HONORS: here's my biography essay. The essays have been scored and I'll be talking with you.

Circle Question: What are you looking forward to most after high school?

Funny in Farsi Quiz


Presenting Middle East Issues
You'll have additional 10 minutes to prepare your presentations on your assigned issues below.  Tell the class the most important things we should know about that issue.  KEEP IT SIMPLE!
-US relations with Iran between 1950's to 1980's
-US relations with Iran between 1980's to Present
-US relations with Iraq between 1950's to 1980's
-US relations with Iraq between 1980's to Present
-Oil Production in the Middle East
-Iranian Revolution (1979)
-Iran-Iraq War
-Why is Israel an issue in the Middle East?
In the future, there will be a quiz on this content.

Funny in Farsi
1) Use this Google Doc, and find four cultural rules per chapter.  Make a copy of the document and share it with me ( There are directions on the document.
2) Identify 5 themes (topics -- single words) that are in the book so far. Add them to the poster paper on the wall.  If there is no poster on the wall, say, "Yo, moron, you forgot the poster."

Being an Outsider
Your group is going to create a piece of writing that explains what it's like to be an outsider. The essay should have as many parts as there are people.  One person in the group, create an essay in Google Drive, share it with me, share it with the other people in the group, then compile the essay. Name the essay: lastname firstname Outsider bbXX.

Design a school challenge: PODCAST
You will be completing the podcast.  Each person will:
-Explain the philosophy that influenced their design
-Describe what you did in your school that was influenced by the philosophy.
-Explain how that pert of your design fits so well with the philosophy.

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