Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Today: Second Day of Mock Economy!

Click here to apply for jobs offered by the Humex Corporation.

Click here to bid on projects.

Click here to fill out the Mock Economy Census (by law must be completed by 9:10AM and 1PM each day or you will lose your licenses and may not receive welfare).

New Licensing Laws
In addition to holding a valid Workhorse license, any worker employed at a factory must also have in their possession a perfectly correct shortened Beans Essay and have submitted such essay to The Humex Dropbox with the naming convention lastname firstname BeansEssayV3 bb[insert periods].

The essay must meet the following criteria:
-Contain only two paragraphs: Introduction and one body paragraph
-Common Format
-Interesting title
-Clear thesis (at end of introductory paragraph)
-Claim at beginning of body paragraph that is a supporting argument of the thesis (not a listing of an instance or example from the book)
-Smooth lead-in text to the evidence that lets the reader know the context of the evidence so the reader is not confused.
-Quoted evidence that supports the claim
-Standard in-text citation for the evidence.
-A warrant that absolutely explains how the evidence supports the claim.

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