Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Circle Question:
Who lives in your house?

Overall Goal:
Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.

Essay Correction -- Step Two (B234, if needed)
After a lesson on claim, evidence and warrant, we'll be looking at one of your body paragraph (either one about something positive, or something negative about capitalism) and you will revise it to make it perfect. [Cite explicit textual evidence to support inferences made or conclusions drawn about texts.]

Merchants of Cool Presentation
Talking about a specific product, create a presentation that explains how in a capitalistic society demand is something that can be created and manipulated. Requirements will be put on the board.  [Cite explicit textual evidence to support inferences made or conclusions drawn about texts.]

We'll be creating a list of stuff we've done this year then playing a Connections Game in which your group will be given three items that you explain how they are connected. [Analyze texts to determine how connections are made in development of complex ideas or events or in development of topics, themes, or rhetorical features.]

Question (Wednesday)
Would you get better grades if you got paid by the school? Present.

Freakonomics Segment

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