Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday, April 7th, 2014

1) Shakespeare Quiz: we'll be taking a quiz over Shakespear's background (the notes you took on the sheet divided into 4 sections).  The person who submits the best quiz will receive an automatic 100; anyone submitting a decent quiz will receive a 10-point head start on the quiz when we take it.  Submit is as lastname firstname shakespearQuiz bbxx.
2) Take the poll.

Circle Question: Sheets, shoes or tires.

Review Crimea News Homework


Goal: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Using a piece of paper, connect the things looked at in relation to Crimea with the themes identified in circle.

Julius Caesar
Reading, watching, acting
Act out Act 2, scene 2 with movement.
Theme Identification with Plot
We will identify the themes we have seen in the play so far and connect them to specific scenes.

In The Future
Democracy-Dictatorship Exercise

What do we know so far -- a game of fives
Your challenge is to create a group of 5 and put together a five slide presentation that explains the 5 most important things we need to understand about Crimea.  In addition to having 5 people in your group, the following conditions must be met in your group:
-at least 2 of each gender
-three towns
-at least two different Morrell periods

Requirements for the slides and presentation:
-The Keynote presentation is independently assembled on all computers.
-Each slide only has one sentence (one thing you need to know about the situation in Crimea)
-Each person explains one slide and includes the source for the information and a quote from that source.
-For information use your Crimea notes (on your computer) or the Crimea News sheet (on your Google Drive)

Crimea Connections
We'll be doing an exercise where we'll list important themes at the top of a paper in columns and below each place articles and other things we've looked at and explain how they connect.
Overall Goal: Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.
What do we know so far -- a game of fives
Your challenge is to create a group of 5 and put together a five slide presentation that explains the 5 most important things we need to understand about Crimea.  In addition to having 5 people in your group, the following conditions must be met in your group:
-at least 2 of each gender
-three towns
-at least two different Morrell periods

Requirements for the slides and presentation:
-The Keynote presentation is independently assembled on all computers.
-Each slide only has one sentence (one thing you need to know about the situation in Crimea)
-Each person explains one slide and includes the source for the information and a quote from that source.
-For information use your Crimea notes (on your computer) or the Crimea News sheet (on your Google Drive)
Overall Goal: Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.

Protest Songs of the Cold War

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