Thursday, January 15, 2015

Friday, January 16th, 2015

Pass back quizzes and tests.
Quiz:  How could publicly funded art help a town like Norway economically?
Beans Quiz: to p. 54
Beans reading assignment for next class: TBA

Note to Class
We have two things going on right now: our Economics Unit and a Renaissance Unit. You will have separate notes packets, and time each class may be dedicated to both.  However, keep in mind that many people believe that the history of the world is the history of economics.

Circle Question: 
Two Circles: What do you think of the Bean family?  Why?

Introduction to the question: Why or should art be taught in schools?

Wrap up Greece and Introduce and Finish the "Dark Ages"
Purpose: Understand that for a few hundred years, basically the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Italian Renaissance, things were dark and reason took a back seat to religion, at least in Europe.
New set of notes...

Introduction to Renaissance and the impact of Ideas.
How We Got to Now: Introduction Video.
Taking notes, looking ahead, why are we watching this?

Learning Target: Students will be able to support an argument using primary and secondary sources.

Big Picture Outline: Why do we need to teach art in school?
Purpose of unit: For students to understand the modern implications of the Renaissance in making art central to civilization.
Supporting Material:
-How we got to now.
-Role of humanism in starting Renaissance and connection to classics
-Crash Course on the Renaissance
-World History/Connections to Today pages 334-349
How the Arts Develop the Young Brain
Teach the Arts for Reasons Beyond the Research
Insights Gained Into Arts and Smarts
The Value of Art Education: A video
Arts Education: Thinking outside the box

Final Products: Exam on content; formal essay explaining the role art should play in schools with introduction that explains role of Renaissance in making art important.

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