Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

-Pass out notes, quizzes, etc.
-What page are you on?
-Free Reading Overdue
-Fix Videos & drop HERE

Vocab Quiz Thursday
government, democracy, aristocracy, kakistocracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, totalitarianism, monarchy, theocracy, social contract

Quiz: What is Thomas Hobbes trying to prove in Leviathan?

Unit on Government and Human Nature
Focus Question:  What's the best type of government?
Answer First: What is our nature?

Government & Why do people do what they do
-Thomas Hobbes: Contunue reading chapter 13 of Leviathan, sentence-by-sentence figuring out 1) What does it mean? 2) What's an example of it?

Break: Watch winning video from other class

-Crash Course Enlightenment - Is mankind naturally violent?

Simulation Activity
Why do people act the way they do?
   -Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
   -Evolutionary Biology
   -Meyer's Briggs
2) Leviathan Chapter 13
3) Lord of the Flies
4) Zimbardo: Power of the Situation
5) History Textbook p.456 Philosophy in the Age of Reason
6) Crash Course Enlightenment
7) How is school set up in terms of structure?

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