-Pass out notes, quizzes, etc.
-What page are you on?
-Free Reading Book finished by Wednesday, March 16th.
Clean up/Edit/Revise Cape-Rumford Essay
1) Make sure that each paragraph properly cites where you got your information from. Use this source for that.
2) Create a works-cited page. Use this to learn how to set it up.
3) Peer edit the essay following these directions:
-Get into a group of 2-3
-Go to Google Classroom
-Access the "Rumford or Cape Essay" assignment
-If you have turned the essay in, "UNSUBMIT" it
-Share the essay with the people in your group.
-Read your partners essay, selecting text and make comments.
-Fix up your own essay.
-Copy the entire contents of the essay and paste in into the new assignment called "Rumford or Cape Essay REVISED." Click "TURN IN."
Pick three videos to send to Mr. Cummings
There will be a link here to a poll.
New Note Packet on Government and Human Nature
Simulation Activity
Why do people act the way they do?
-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
-Evolutionary Biology
-Meyer's Briggs
2)Leviathan Chapter 13
3)Lord of the Flies
4)Zimbardo: Power of the Situation
5)History Textbook p.456 Philosophy in the Age of Reason
6)Crash Course Enlightenment
7)How is school set up in terms of structure?
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