Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wednesday, March 31, 2015

-Pass out notes, quizzes, etc.
-What page are you on?
-Free Reading Overdue.


Ice Breaker

Circle Question
What do you feel confident enough about that you could teach it to someone else?

Describe how the school is governed using the definition of government to do so.

Writing Lesson
Learning how to integrate more than one source into a paragraph.  Go to this page.  We'll be writing one long paragraph proving the given claim with the supplied evidence.

Unit on Government and Human Nature
Focus Question:  What's the best type of government?
Answer First: What is our nature?

1) At your table, in 5 minutes, prepare for a cold call in which you explain Maslow's theory on why people behave the way they do.
2) At your table, in 5 minutes, create a presentation in which you explain why people behave the way they do according to the Allegory of the Cave/Matrix.

Design a School Challenge
Pick a philosopher from this grid, and design a school where nearly EVERY decision you make is based on the belief of one of the philosophers.

1a) Simulation Activity
1b) Meyer's Briggs
2) Leviathan Chapter 13
3) Lord of the Flies
5) History Textbook p.456 Philosophy in the Age of Reason

8) Zimbardo Video

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