Hand back quizzes
Reading Quiz
History Quiz: What would your philosopher think of our education system and why?
Extra credit if you have a parent/adult show up to ANY presentation time.
Montana, 1948
Read for 20 minutes; 5 minute tweeting.
Period 7 & 8 Tweet HERE
Period 5 & 6 Tweet HERE
Design a School Challenge
Pick your philosopher
Your Scenerio: You are entering into a competitive contest to design a school that attracts the most students.
Scenario for Presentation Viewers: You have 4 children and have the opportunity to choose the high school they will be attending. Your big concern is to select a school that will most likely help your children reach there full potential.
Requirements for Presentation
Learning Target: After your presentations, you will be able to explain: 1) why philosophies are important when creating something; 2) how your decisions were based on the philosophy you picked.
1) You must start your presentation with: "After this presentation you will understand why our school is the best choice for your kids."
2) You must explain why it is important to have a guiding philosophy when building a school.
3) You must explain the philosophy on which your school is built using this template: "We based our design on the philosopher [name here] who believed that [philosophy goes here]."
4) During the presentation, explain at least one opposing viewpoint -- explain that they will be seeing some other schools that are pretty cool but that yours is better.
5) The remainder of the presentation must explain the decisions you made architecturally and government-wise and how those decisions are consistent with your philosopher and why they make your school such a good choice. Each person in the group will have at least one designed product.
4) All products must be displayed on a computer by taking a photo of it and preparing it as a slideshow. Each group member would have the slideshow in case someone doesn't show up.
Parts of your school to consider in your presentation:
Building/Classroom Design
Length/Duration of School Year
School Day
Grouping - age, grades, ability?
Duration of education
Role of Educators
Role of Students
Discipline/Power Structure/Administration
Outcomes for Students/Personal growth and responsibility
Relationship with community
Role of parents
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