Hand back Notes & Quizzes
Test on the Four Philosophers
Who is your philosopher?
What does your philosopher believe is the ideal/best type of government?
What does your philosopher believe about our human nature?
What is one feature from your school design? Why would your philosopher like this part of your school?
Why did you choose your philosopher? What did you like about their ideas about human nature?
Create Assessment:
Using your notes from the last month of class you will work with your table to create a bank of questions that you think the whole class should know about. This test will be taken next class:
Architecture and Philosophy
Human Nature
Human Nature and Government
Human Nature and Education
Evolution and Violence
Post your questions here.
Design a School Challenge: Timed Video
Overview: You will be producing a 4 minute and 30 second video of your presentation -- 30 seconds for an introduction, 1 minute for each person.
Scoring: You will be scored on three things 1) Your ability to assemble and deliver a presentation without reading notes; 2) Your ability to explain what your philosopher believes and 3) How that philosophy influenced your school design.
1) Create a shared folder on Google Drive for everyone in the group
2) Decide, get and drop into the folder the visuals you will use for the video (one for the introduction; one for each person in the group). Collaborate on this -- each of you should be dropping your own visual.
3) Separately, record your ONE MINUTE video using QuickTime.
4) Drag and drop your video into the shared folder.
5) Open iMovie and create the video.
6) When completed, export the movie in 480p and attach it to the assignment in Google Classroom.
Montana, 1948 Twitter Feed
Overview: You will be using a template in Google Classroom to create a twitter feed for one of the characters in Montana, 1948.
Scoring: You will be scored on your ability to accurately and creatively express the emotions and motivations of the characters in the book.
1) We will collectively list the important plot elements.
2) Using the class tweets already created, or making your own new ones, create a twitter feed for one of the characters. Post on that character's wall the tweets of everyone he or she follows (everyone in the book) and his or her own tweets.
3) Make sure to capture the emotions and motives of those characters.
4) When completed, turn in your assignment and read your new book.
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