Monday, September 21, 2015

Tuesday, September 21, 2015

Target 1:  Learning how to build a community in the classroom.
By the End of the Period: You will know the names of people in this class and be more comfortable being here.

Circle: What superpower do you wish you had.

Silent Reading
Post Activity: Describe your character's bedroom.

Honors Enroll in Google Classroom
Code: yjkr0tc

Cell Phone Policy Essay
Directions: your essay will be scored on the following criteria.  Where noted, format your essay to show each "I can" statement.
-I can set up my essay correctly
-I can write an interesting introduction (make this italicized)
-I can place my thesis in the correct spot (make your thesis bold)
-I can include quoted text from an article to support my point (make the quoted text bold and green)
-I can introduce the opposing viewpoint in a way that is clear to the reader (make your introduction to the opposing viewpoint bold and red)

New Seating Chart
Target 1:  Learning how to build a community in the classroom.
By the End of the Period: You will practice and learn how to actively listening in your group.

Egg Drop Activity
Target: Learning how to build a community in the classroom by engaging in a common activity and working towards a common goal.
By the End of the Period: You will practice and learn how actively listen to come up with ideas.
Challenge: Create an egg protection unit that will let an egg survive a drop from 15 feet but can be opened within 10 seconds of impact.
Procedure: At your tables, given all the materials, distribute the materials around the room equally.  Once completed, you will be assigned to a random table and given 20 minutes to create your egg protection unit.
-Egg must have a name and a back story
Money is determined by the:
-quality of your story
-the appropriateness of your music selection
-how well you follow protocol
-the group doing the egg drop must approach the rail together appearing from out of view.
-one person will then present the story of the egg
-when story is complete another person will announce,"commence operation egg drop"
-another person must yell, "deploy recovery team"
-two people will then descend the stairs and declare,"recovery team in position"
-launch team will then respond,"launch team ready"
-recovery team will then count down from five, "54321 drop."
-upon impact timer will start for 10 seconds
-upon extraction the egg must be held aloft and announce,"operation successful"
-if broken you must declare,"Houston, we have a problem"

Cleanup Activity
Target: Learning how to build a community in the classroom by taking care of the local environment.
By the End of the Period: You will remember that cleaning up is a part of taking care of the community.
Procedure: Given trash bags, clean the room.

In Future Classes
Group Activity: Group Biography -- Your group will be submitting and essay entitled "Our Group with Mad Skills." You will interview the person to your right, asking them questions about something that they do particularly well. You will then compose a paragraph that will describe in detail the skill and what it is that they do well.

Activity: Helium Loop -- in groups of 8 you'll be placing one finger under a hula hoop and trying to lower a it to the ground without loosing contact with it.

Target 2: Learn why people behave the way they do.
By the End of the Period: You will be able to explain your own behavior based on both the Meyer-Briggs personality inventory and Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

Future Activity: Cooperative Learning -- Members of your group will choose between two lectures on human nature. After listening and taking notes , you will come back to your group and share your learning while the remainder of your group takes notes for understanding. Next, go to the room you weren't in to ask questions.  Finally, 5-minute free write on Maslow's & Meyers-Briggs for understanding.

Future Activity:10 minute writing exercise: Group Writing -- Write an essay made of paragraphs the talk about times in your lives that you were at the different levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs OR Write an essay made of paragraphs that talk about what it means to be an Introvert, Extrovert, Judger or Perceiver.

For the Future: 
Egg Drop
Transcript Activity

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