Thursday, November 5, 2015

Friday, November 6th, 2015

Group Activity: Create "labels" for each member of your group (for example: "owns two cats" or "climbed Mt. Washington"). The labels should express something about you, but not something publicly known. Keep the labels secret and be careful with your handwriting.  First, one side of the room takes their labels and places them face down on a center table.  Those who placed labels, stand in a line.  Members of the other half of the class each take a label and attempt to give it to the correct person.  When all labels are placed, the placers get on point for each correctly placed label. Now it's the other group's turn.
Target: At the end of class you are going to know something about someone in your group that you do not know know (Building Community)

Circle: What are you good at?
Circle Announcements: Nice job on the DBQ.

Silent Reading (30 minutes before end of class)
Post activity: Can you apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Need or Myers-Briggs to your book?

Career Project: Finish the Budget -- Assignment in Google Classroom
Career Project: Finish Job Application -- On Paper
Career Project: Resume -- Assignment in Google Classroom
Career Project: Career Fact Sheet #2 -- Assignment in Google Classroom
Target: After this activity, you will be able to research any job in the world.

Career Project: Finish the Budget -- Assignment in Google Classroom

Target: After this activity, you will be able to make a budget for a month.

Assessment -- TBD
List and explain 5 reasons Rome fell
Explain Maslow's Hierarchy

Find article that has bias in it for kids to read and diagnose for accuracy. 

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