Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

At the beginning of class:
-Get your notes and folders ready
-Be ready to answer this question: What are we doing and why are we doing it?
-Announcement: HONORS must finish Things They Carried when you come back from break. Everyone else, if you finish the book, good things will happen for you.
-Download game


Unit: Should we go to war with ISIS? [Parts of this unit will be put into the daily agenda]
Unit Learning Target: By the end of the unit, you will be to able use various print and media sources to form an opinion on a complex issue in order to make a reasoned decision.
Essential Question: What should we understand before we go to war?
Description: This unit will be broken down into a series of sub-units with their own questions. With your group, you will be researching and answering questions that will help you decide whether going to war with ISIS is the right thing to do.

Sub-units & Questions
Why We Should Go to War
Question: What evidence does the author give to go to war with ISIS?
Resources: This article on why we should go to war with ISIS.
Description: After reading the article and taking notes, share at your table your findings, them prepare to report out.

What is it like for the soldiers
Lesson Learning Target: After this part of the unit, you will be able use explain what it's like for soldiers in war.
Question: How does was impact those who have to do the actual fighting?
Resources: "Call of Duty"
Description: We'll be playing several games to get at the war experience, if that is even possible.  In your notes, after each round, you will address the following questions:
1) What emotions did you feel and what exactly was happening when you felt those emotions?
2) Strategically, did it ever feel like you were doing anything similar to what soldiers do?  If so, when, exactly.

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