Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Friday May 24, 2024

Friday May 24, 2024

Vocabulary Quiz: Monarchy, Divine Rights, Natural Rights, Enlightenment, Dogma

Circle: what is the weirdest thing in your fridge right now?

Montana Matrix Test

Learning Target: I can present ideas clearly using a visual aid.

Present your re-write of the epilogue

Activity: Montana 1948 Shadows Chart

What purpose's do shadows have?  These can be both positive and negative.

Activity: Present a new epilogue for Montana 1948 where you end the book differently. Montana New Epilogue. Record with Loom. Loom

Globalization: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
Formative pre-test

Globalization: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
Target: After viewing this video, you will be able to explain how globalization connects the people of the world.
Watch: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
What questions can you answer now?
1) Check you label on your shirt.  Where is it made?  How many different countries at your table?
1) At your table predict all the steps it takes to make a T-Shirt.
2) As you watch, take notes on important points on where each step of the process takes place on map.
3)Place all the locations mentioned in the video
4) When completed identify two most important points you learned.
5) Share with group.
6) Group identifies two most important points of the group.
7) Share out to class
8) How does this apply to the Mock Economy?

Unit: Economics -- Globalization Writing
What do you need to understand about globalization to do well in Mock Economy?

Mock Economy Starts Tuesday!!!

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