Thursday, June 6, 2024

Friday June 7, 2024

Friday June 7 2024

APUSH and AP LANG Summer Assignments

Loom reminder: You need to talk about a specific person and event in each part of your loom to receive credit!

Circle: what does a perfect day of vacation look like for you?

Theme Analysis Final:

Watch the short film and make a claim about a theme that is developed in the film. Provide evidence about how characters and symbols are used to develop the theme. Explain the evidence and the importance of the theme and how it might relate to you in your warrant. CEW format. Bao

Makeup work: if you intend to make up any assignments that are past due you need to analyze your grade situation in IC. Email Mr. Truman and Mr. Toohey explaining what the assignments are and exactly when you intend to turn them in next week. If you need help with something you need to be very specific about how we can help you. We will not do this work for you and we will not accept any assignments that are not part of this plan you put together. 

Final Exam Preparation:

Study your vocabulary note cards. Quiz each other!
Prepare for your final writing exam on Wednesday. Have a response planned out.

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