Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024

August 30, 2024

Seating Chart!!!

Introduction to Class:
1)No phones in the classroom: We will not be distracted by our phones, you will not be distracted by your phones. 
2) Learning Targets:  
Learning how to build a community in the classroom. You will know the names of people in this class and be more comfortable being here.
3) Why we use Cold Call: Using the cold call method guarantees that all students are engaged and ready to respond. Any student can pass at any time.
4) Big Class/Small Class: While this is likely the largest class you've ever had, it will feel normal soon.
5) Honors: Every assessment will have an honors component.  If you complete those honors components, your transcript will read "English 10 Honors." If you are taking honors, it should be listed in your schedule.  If you wish to do the honors work, please see us so you can be added to the roster. Trying honors will not affect your grade -- it's a win win.

Learning Target:  I can explain why it's important to build community in the classroom.
1. Introduce yourself to your group make a name tag.
2. Name a job you wanted to do when you were little
3. Favorite cartoon
4. One place you'd like to visit.
5. Report out someone and something about them.

Activity: Leaving and re-entering the room the correct way.

Learning Target:  I can explain why it's important to build community in the classroom.
Seating Chart Activity: Brainstorm a list of good and bad things about seating charts.  Tallest person in the group takes notes, using a T-chart. After time is up, prepare a four-part presentation (with introduction) highlighting your best points.  Cold call 3 groups.

Circle:  What is a circle?  Why do we do it?
Circle Activity: Target Practice 
Circle Question: What was your favorite kids show. 


Seating Chart Writing Activity (Need paper): In ten minutes, write a paragraph using claim, evidence, warrant format explaining why you would or would not have a seating chart if you were a teacher. Use information from the T-chart to support your position.

Tower Building: Build a tower that is the tallest and most beautiful.  After the tower is built, design a presentation that explain the method the group used to create the tower. The score you receive will be based EQUALLY on height, beauty and your process presentation.

Group Biography: Your group will be submitting and essay entitled "Our Group with Mad Skills." You will interview the person to your right, asking them questions about something that they do particularly well. You will then compose a paragraph that will describe in detail the skill and what it is that they do well.

If time allows:
Circle Activity: Picnic Name Game -- (In circle) Each of you will come up with an item that you will bring to the "picnic" -- the name of the item will begin with the same letter that begins your first name.  When it is your turn, you must name the previous 5 people and what they are bringing. 

Nuts & Bolts: Building Capacity
Learning Target:  I can access the tools necessary to help me learn and function in school.
1) Open your email
2) Open Google classroom, join our class. 5&6: 
3) How to enter the classroom.

Picture day on September 5th.  Make sure your hair is perfect!
We will be going to the library September 5th

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