Monday, September 9, 2024

September 10, 2024

Tuesday September 10, 2024 

Overall Learning Target:  I know people in the classroom better; I feel more comfortable talking to more students in the class.

New seating chart.  Name that tune winners determine the chart!

New Seating Chart Activity
On a slip of paper, write down your name, home town, favorite superpower, vanity plate. Share at your table with the table picking to most interesting to introduce. Introductions will be done with a cold call.

Circle: A game you played in elementary school recess

Vocabulary for Friday: theme, characterization, symbol, setting.  Using the note cards you will reference a part of the "Indian Camp" story.

Self selected book reading:
1)At your table share out a brief explanation about what your book is about.
2)Where does your book take place and when is the time it takes place?
3)Describe the main character(s)
4)What do you think your character(s) will learn or do as the book goes on?
5)Using our understanding of theme, what do you believe the theme is?
6)Would you recommend the book?

Class Expectations Activity: At your table you will be answering the following questions- We will be recording them on the board along with our expectations.   What are other expectations do you think will help the class?  Why is it important to have class expectations?  Create list.  You will be reporting this out as a table.

Google Classroom
-Periods 5-6 4mlp34z
-Periods 7-8 g36cw6f

Reading Literature
Learning Target:  I can determine the meaning of a story by examining the author's use of characterization.
We will be reading the shorty story "Indian Camp"written by Ernest Hemingway and examining his use of characterization, setting and symbols to determine the meaning or theme of the story.
1) We will watch a short documentary about Hemingway and examine his philosophies and beliefs and how they might show up in his writing.  The shortest story ever written...
2) We will google some fun facts about Hemingway to learn more about him.
3) Rock Paper Scissors to determine who leads the discussion at your table.  Winner picks.
3) We will read "Indian Camp" page-by-page, discerning and sharing insights as we go. You will be underlining and taking notes as we go 
4) Ultimately, we are trying to determine a theme of the story through his use of characterization.  

Group Biography: You will be writing this in Google Classroom. Exemplar Your group will be submitting and essay entitled "Our Group with Mad Skills." You will interview the person to your right, asking them questions about something that they do particularly well. You will then compose a paragraph that will describe in detail the skill and what it is that they do well.

Next Class: September 11th 

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