Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024

 September 25, 2024

Vocabulary Review for Friday quiz: (New word in bold) economy, capitalism, stock, share, supply and demand, opportunity cost and profit

1. What are some different examples of economies?

2. What makes USA a capitalist economy?

3. What is the name of a company that you would like to buy stock in?  Why do you like it?

4. How much money would you have now if you bought 1000 shares of Nvidia(ticker symbol: NVDA) when it was first listed on the stock exchange?

5. How does supply and demand affect the price of gasoline?

6. What is the opportunity cost of investing some of you hard earned money in the stock market?

7. How does a company make a profit?

Reading your self-selected book

Circle: A skill that you think adds value to your labor?

- Share homework (the stock activity).  At your table groups, share your stocks.  Have one student share out to the whole group AND relate it back to our vocab words.  

- Football DBQ writing:

A) hook (also preparation for the introduction paragraph): each student write 3 sentences to describe the “story” of the catch
B) pass out the essay description. 4 sticks and any questions from students 
C) discuss the different types of support/organizers. Have students choose the one for them
D) 25 minutes of writing time
E) brain break:shuffle, shuffle, group
F) more writing time
G) Review color coding
H) Color code your best paragraph
I) Exchange computers with someone at your table and read color coded paragraph for understanding.
J) Make necessary corrections
K) Paper is due on Friday morning.

Football DBQ

Learning Target: I can evaluate (for bias and perspective) multiple sources to determine what really happened.
You will be reviewing original source documents about an allegedly great catch made by an Oxford Hills player to determine whether the catch was actually great or not.
1) Introduction to determining bias and why it matters.
2) At your table: any family members who aren't always reliable witnesses?
3) Look at this chart.
4) At your table understand how it works.
5) Report out.
6) At your table, visit sites both far right and left and find language in report that is biased.
7) Report out.
9) Who do you want to hear from?
10) Each person at each table, pick a different witness to "go off" on about their bias.

 For Tuesday: Stock Market Game: 

I can explain how to invest money in the stock market and how the stock market works.
You will be learning about the stock market this year by actually participating in a virtual stock market. You will be given $100,000 dollars to purchase stocks with.  First, watch this video. Your task is to do some research into:
1. What is the stock market?
2. How does it work?
3. What is a stock?
4. Why is it important?
5. How do you make money?
6. How do you lose money?
7. What are some tried and true strategies for making money in the market?
8. What are some important events in the history of the stock market?
9. Report out.
10. Game

Homework:  Finish Essay and submit on Classroom!!!

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