Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 8, 2024

Wednesday October 8, 2024

Circle: Where would you like to live after high school?

Review Vocabulary Words for Friday Quiz: Empire Colonialism Imperialism Soft power Hard power

Reading...your personal book.

Students will analyze various perspectives on whether the USA should be considered an empire and develop their argumentative skills.

Activity: Why do we study history?  Review your notes.

Activity: Supposedly, American men think about the Roman Empire at least twice a day?  What's up with that?  Find out.

What was so great about the Roman Empire?  1)How big was it?  2)What do we already know about the Roman Empire?  3)Weird facts about the Roman Empire...See if you can stump me.  How weird is it really?

Activity: Is the USA an Empire?

Is the US on the same path as the Roman Empire?

Activity: Understanding America's role in the world

Stock Market Game:  Current Events and how to they affect the market?  What are the three biggest pieces of news that could effect the stock market? Go online and look up the news to see what is going on in the world or the USA that could impact the price of stocks.  Be prepared to share out your findings.

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