Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday January 11, 2024

Lord of the Flies Audio Book

If you were on the island and your were going to join up with either Jack or Ralph's group, who would you go with and why?

Vocab: Sigmund Freud, Id, Ego, Superego, Subconscious. Plus two chosen from list. Click here

Evolutionary Psychology: What do we already know about humans?

Introduce: Knights vs Samurai 

Independent Reading: Mr. Truman will finish grading posters

Activity: Sigmund Freud's Theory of the Id, Ego & Super Ego?  
Learning TargetI can explain different theories on human nature and explain my view on human nature; I can define government, explain different types of governments, and explain what types of government works with different views on human nature.
1) Get ready: Notes-types of government/human nature.
2) On your own, answer in your notes:  Do you agree with the idea that you have "two sides" of your personality? Describe what those two side are like.
3) Share out at your table 
4) Background on Sigmund Freud
8) Id, Ego & Super Ego video
9) At your table share out what stood out to you or surprised you?  Take notes on what people share.
10) In your notes write down what are you feelings about "Human Nature" at this point? 

Book: Lord of the Flies
Learning TargetI can explain how the author uses symbols to explain human nature.
1) Get ready: Book, notes, stickies
2) Watch video for 23 minutes - discuss
3) Read page 39-57. Stickies and notes after each page.
4) Lit circle: What did you notice so far about human nature and symbols.
5) Fill out Says/Does chart in Classroom based on your stickies

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