Tuesday, January 16, 2024

January 16, 2024

Tuesday January 16, 2024

Circle: Something nice you've done for someone or someone has done for you?

Vocabulary: feudalism, chivalry, bushido, clan, id and superego.

Personal Reading...for a grade

Unit: Philosophy -- Knights and Samurai

Learning TargetI can compare and contrast things doing research.
First, what was it like in the Middle Ages that made religion so widespread? Bring out your dead... and Watery Tart
1) What do you already know about knights of samurai? (chat)
2) Unit overview & watch something about knights and samurai. 
3) Explanation of the paper.
4) Example paragraph: in your group, prepare to explain the structure of the paragraph.
5) The DBQ document: Knights & Samurai
6) Create document and attach it to today's assignment.
7) In your breakout group, pick ONE document and work together to identify the differences/similarities
8) Share out.
9) Write.

Knights and Samurai
Target: I can use original source documents in order to defend a position.
1) Overview of the assignment: who would you rather be based on the philosophy of each.
2) Read background essay.
3) Document A: Read and determine a philosophical statement for each based on the information.
4) Repeat for each document.
5) Body paragraph structure: a) claim states preferred philosophy; b) philosophical statement of knight; c) evidence of that philosophy; d) warrant says; e) warrant means; f) philosophical statement of samurai; g) warrant says; h) warrant means; i) warrant matters explaining why the philosophical statement you selected resonates with you and makes your life better.

Book: Lord of the Flies
Learning TargetI can explain how the author uses symbols to explain human nature.
1) Get ready: Book, notes, stickies
2) Watch video  - discuss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVaDhMQVT_E
3) Read chapters 5-7. Stickies and notes after each page.
4) Lit circle: What did you notice so far about human nature and symbols.
5) Fill out Says/Does chart in Classroom based on your stickies

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