Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Friday, March 14th, 2014

1) Take the Poll
2) Identify which questions on the Economy test you have questions about.

FYI: Mock Economy video available for you.  Link on right.

Tell about a time you got something that you thought was really cool!

Essay Correction -- Step One
How to write an introduction: cold call reading of introductions: read or wipe? Then we'll revise your introductions to be interesting and cool!

Time Machine
We are going to take you back to our 1998 class with Allison Craib, Kyla DeCato, Lindsay Record and you'll need to fit in.  Fill out this form.

What made these items cool?

Watch Merchants of Cool

Connect the Dots
Identify one commercial item (soda, music, video game, or tv show), find out who owns it at the top of the ladder, then identify all the holdings of that company.

Talking about a specific product, create a presentation that explains how in a capitalistic society demand is something that can be created and manipulated.

Video Short

Would you get better grades if you got paid by the school? Present.

Freakonomics Segment

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