Monday, March 10, 2014

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014


Name one item that you're thinking about getting?

Prepare for Presentations
We will be building an outline for your presentations using a series of questions.  The outline will be written on the board as we go.  We will ask questions, give you 2 minutes to prepare then we will do cold call presentations until it's clear that the class understands.

Possible Questions:
How would you like to explain that we've been spending a lot of time looking at economy?
What's the best way to explain what economy is?
How would you describe capitalism?
How would you explain mock economy and why we did it?
What can you point to to help explain how capitalism works?

Vocab: Economy Test
communism (ideal)
barter economy
supply and demand
societal value of profit motive
problem with capitalism
great thing about capitalism

Economy Test

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