Reading Quiz
Montana, 1948 Study Questions
Directions: For every answer you must have one quote and a page number.
1) Find examples from the book that will help you write about how hard it is to make the right decision. What are the factors and facts that make decisions making so hard when faced with ethical dilemmas?
Skill Focus: Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
White Paper
Write a paper in which you explain the difficulties of making just decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma. Use Montana, 1948 and as many other sources as you want to complete at least a 2-page double-spaced paper. Three or more to qualify for an A. The font size must be 12 and the font type Times New Roman.
Big Questions:
1) What is needed to be fair?
2) Why are some people always treated unfairly or with special treatment?
3) Should the same punishment always be given for the same crime?
4) Is punishment for the criminal or the victim?
5) When you are punished, does it do what it's supposed to do?
6) How much information do you need to be fair? Can you be fair if information is withheld from you?
From Last Class
Required: Moral Dilemmas
Ted Talk: "The neuroscience on restorative justice"
Ted Talk: "Why smart statistics are the key to fighting crime"
Ted Talk: "America's native prisoners of war"
Ted Talk: "We need to talk about an injustice"
Individual Meetings
We'll continue to meet with you to identify what you need to focus on for the remainder of the year. We'll also be discussing your behaviors that supports learning grade:
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