Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday, November 7th, 2014

Pass out any quizzes, etc.

What's your biggest distraction?

Silent Reading in The Things They Carried

Day Overview
We will spending the day looking at information about the Fall of Rome.  Ultimately, we're trying to answer the single question: "Is the United States experiencing fall similar to that of the Roman Empire."

Learning Target:
By the end of this class, you will learn how to ask interview questions; you will be able to answer the question, "Are we experiencing anything like what happened during the fall of the Roman Empire?"

Empires Falling
Make sure you have this document about why the Roman Empire fell on your computer.
1) We will give you one of the reasons to translate, find a modern equivalent and frame an interview question using this shared document: Period 5&6; Period 7&8
2) When you are completed, your group will quietly and respectfully walk around the building interviewing adults about whether they see that reason occurring now.
3)You will be writing out a pass that explains what you are doing and how you should behave while you conduct and interview.
4)When you return you will be putting together a brief presentation that explains the translation, the modern equivalent and the data received.

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