Monday, April 6, 2015

Tuesday, April 7th, 2105

-Pass out notes, quizzes, etc.
-What page are you on?
-Free Reading Overdue
-Brew Gone 8:25-9:05
-Brew Gone 9:15-10:00


Circle Question

Writing Test
You will be given a document in Google Classroom containing a thesis and a bunch of claims. Open it and revise and reorganize the claims so the paper works.

Unit on Government and Human Nature
Focus Question:  What's the best type of government?
Answer First: What is our nature?

Reading on Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Montesquieu
We will be continuing to reading this article to understand how each Enlightenment philosophers' view on human nature affected their perceived need for government.  We will work together to learn how to take notes on an extended article.
1) Is this a reliable source?  Why or why not?
2) Notes.  Mr. Toohey will read the first section and I will be taking notes.  You will follow along.
3) Continue, on the last section (Rousseau).  We will stop occasionally to share notes to see what we are doing to keep our thoughts organized.
4) When completed you will be able to answer the following questions: What is each philosophers' belief about human nature?  What did each philosopher believe about government.

How Designs Express Beliefs & Form Following Function
Learning Target: when completed, you will be able to explain how structures are designed to express belief, and how form follows function.
We'll be looking at architecture over the course of the last 2000 years and trying to understand how it supports and expresses beliefs.  You'll be applying your understanding in the "Design a School Challenge" (below).
1) Prezi on connections between belief and architecture
2) 10 Buildings the Changed America
     -Watch the introduction together (1st 1:30 only).
     -Select one building to explore from the site: read the text on the site, then watch the segment on that building.

Design a School Challenge
Pick a philosopher from this grid, and design a school where nearly EVERY decision you make is based on the belief of one of the philosophers.
     -Your designs must express what you believe about human nature and government.
     -You must be able to explain how form follows function.

1a) Simulation Activity
1b) Meyer's Briggs
3) Lord of the Flies
5) History Textbook p.456 Philosophy in the Age of Reason
8) Zimbardo Video

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