Congratulations to Ryland, Keegan and Jared for a fantastic video.
Reading Time:
20 Minutes of reading and taking notes in class on the development of theme or character in book.
Reading & Notes (20 minutes)
Period 5 & 6 Reading Notes Entry
Period 7 & 8 Reading Notes Entry
Would you be willing to send your friends/classmates to fight in a war against North Korea?
Globalization Unit Objective
To understand how globalization affects nearly every aspect of our lives and why global politics are so important.
Globalization: Political Cartoons
Target: After this lesson, you will be able to look at a political cartoon and explain how the cartoonist uses labels, analogy, irony and symbolism to make their point.
1) Open this link and pick ONE political cartoon.
2) In your notes, answer the questions on the sheet next to and below your cartoon.
3) Cold calls to explain meaning of cartoon.
Globalization: NPR Podcast
Target: After this lesson, you will be able to answer the question "how did events in a small sector of the United Stated affected the world?"
1) Open up this document and familiarize yourself with the questions on it you will be answering.
2) Listen to or read this article: Global Pool of Money Got to Hungry
3) Answer the questions.
4) Mr. Toohey will be taking further questions.
Globalization: Being a Republican Candidate for President
Target: After this lesson, you will be able to explain the difficulty Presidential candidates have explaining how they will interact with the world?"
1) Listen to this story.
For the Future:
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