Monday, May 18, 2015

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015


Cartoon Test
Target: In this quiz, you will prove that you can look at a political cartoon and explain how the cartoonist uses labels, analogy, irony and symbolism to make their point.
See this cartoon.

Star Testing

Reading Time:
20 Minutes of reading and taking notes in class on the development of theme or character in book.

Reading & Notes (20 minutes)
Period 5 & 6 Reading Notes Entry
Period 7 & 8 Reading Notes Entry


Globalization  Unit Objective
To understand how globalization affects nearly every aspect of our lives and why global politics and economics are so important.

Globalization: Overview Video

Target: After viewing this video, you will be able write a paragraph explaining what globalization using a t-shirt as an example.
Watch: Crash Course on Globalization
1) As you watch, take notes on important points.
2) When completed identify two most important points.
3) Share with group.
4) Group identifies two most important points of the group.
5) Share

Globalization: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt

Target: After viewing this video, you will be able to explain how globalization connects the people of the world.
Watch: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
1) As you watch, take notes on important points.
2) When completed identify two most important points.
3) Share with group.
4) Group identifies two most important points of the group.
5) Share

For the Future:
The latest on North Korea
Vice: North Korea Part 2

Test Prompt:
Next year in Social Studies some world crisis will erupt and one of your less informed classmates will make the make the statement, "I don't understand why we just don't drop a nuclear bomb on them?" You will politely raise your hand.  When you are called on, you will stand.  What will you explain to the class?

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