Group Activity:
Work as a group to determine 5 things the members of the group have in common.
Target: At the end of class you are going to know something about someone in your group that you do not know know (Building Community)
Circle: Name one thing that you learned about someone in your group
Career Project: Scavenger Hunt form
Job Shadow: Pep talk; the form is here
Myers Briggs Test
Fall of Rome Learning Target: At the end of the unit you will be able to explain why the Roman Empire fell and whether similar things may be happening in the United States right now. Do we learn from our mistakes or does history keep repeating itself?
Why Did Rome Fall?
We will be finishing this unit with an essay. Use a template write the essay in Google Classroom
Essay Template
Stuff Happening in the USA
13 Reasons Rome Fell
Writing Activity: You will be writing a five paragraph expository essay that explains how Rome fell and how those same things might be happening here in the USA. Your essay should include 1) an interesting introduction with clear thesis 2) Three body paragraphs that each clearly explain a reason Rome fell, why it led to its fall, and a modern example from the USA and how it shows what happened in Rome might be happening the USA 3) A conclusion that clearly states in your own words whether or not you think what happened in Rome is happening in the USA.
Time: 30 minutes;
Honors: Finish essay for next class
Big Idea:
Review Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:
1) List the needs
2) Explain why he came up with this theory
Silent Reading
Your choice
Post activity: Can you apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Need to your book?
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