Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Pass out any quizzes, etc.

Career project claims.

Final Presentations for Career's Project
Group A: 1) View presentations; 2) Prepare for presentations; 3) Write reflection; 4) Present
Group B: 1) Write reflection; 2) Prepare for presentations; 3) View presentations; 4) Present

Possible Questions for your Presentation
What did enjoy the most doing this project?
What could have been left out of this project?
What was the most difficult part of this project?
Explain you job shadow.
What did you like most about your job shadow?
What was the best Ted Talk you listened to?
What did you learn about yourself in doing this project?
What surprised you about the budget you made?
Did you research any particular career?

Learning Target:
By the end of this class, You will be able to answer the question, "Are we experiencing anything like what happened during the fall of the Roman Empire?"

Mr. Morrell's Class
Complete at least 6 paragraphs (not including the intro) of the Empire's Falling Essay (See directions below).  If you finish, re-read stories for Things They Carried that you scored low on and woulf like to re-take.

Empires Falling Essay
You will be writing an essay that proves that the USA may be falling for similar reasons that Rome Fell.
1) Use these documents: Period 5&6Period 7&8
2) Each paragraph will explain a reason Rome failed with an explanation; a general comparison to what is happening now; a specific example from the news and a warrant that explains how this example connects to the original reason from Rome.
3) Complete as many paragraphs as time allows.

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