Group Activity: Let's pretend that Mr. Burns and Mr. Toohey are going to travel with the circus for a month as clowns. Let's also pretend that your group will interview and pick their replacements for a month. However, you only get to ask ONE question during the interview, what will you ask?
Target: At the end of class you are going to know something about someone in your group that you do not know know (Building Community)
Circle: Something you used to hate that you love now.
Circle Announcement: 1) Essays have been scored; 2) Explain what a DBQ is.
Pre-assessment for DBQ Activity: Define Point of View, Perspective and Bias. Explain why understanding point of view, perspective and bias are important in studying history.
DBQ Activity (Collect/Check-off Scavenger Hunt Homework during)
Football DBQ
Target: After this activity, you will be able to determine the point of view, perspective and bias of any article.
Target: After this activity, you will be able explain why understanding POV, perspective and bias is critical in history..
Career Project: Big Future College Search: College Fact Sheet #1 -- Assignment in Google Classroom
Target: After this activity, you will be able to research any college in the United States.
Myers-Briggs Activity: Pick someone you know who best embodies what an introvert is AND pick someone you know who best embodies what an extrovert is.
Silent Reading
Your choice
Post activity: Can you apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Need or Myers-Briggs to your book?
Assessment -- TBD
List and explain 5 reasons Rome fell
Explain Maslow's Hierarchy
-How to lead into evidence
-How to write wicked long warrants
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